Английский язык (урок3)
Knowledge is Power
Good afternoon, dear guests, our lovely teachers and the intelligent pupil
of our school. You are welcome to our English party “Knowledge is Power”!
Ѕайырлы кҐн, јґрметтi јонајтар, бiздiЎ сҐйiктi ґстаздарымыз ж„не дарынды да талантты ојушылар. БiздiЎ бҐгiнгi “КҐш бiлiмде” атты бiлiм сайысымызЈа још келдiЎiздер!
We know that in England in 1907 the first boy scouts organization was founded. The first World Chief Scouts was the englishman Robert Baden-Powel. And in America the boy scouts founded in 1910 and then in 1912 the girl guides founded. They had their own laws and aims.
И„, бґл Америкада јґрылЈан 6-17 жас аралыЈындаЈы ґлдар мен јыздардан жасајталЈан. Скаут ґлдар мен јыздардыЎ алдарына јойЈан мајсаттары болЈан. ОлардыЎ мајсаты шыншыл, „дiл болу, кез-келген уајытта бiр-бiрiне к†мектесе бiлу, кiшiге јамјор бола бiлу, к†п ојып, Ґйрену ж„не де „рдайым †здерiнiЎ мiндеттерiн орындай бiлу.
And now the boys and the girls of our school want to take part in the competition as the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts.
Ѕазiр АмерикадаЈы Girl Гайдтар мен Boy Скауттар сияјты „р жастаЈы јыз балалар мен ер балалардан жасајталЈан екi топ бiлiмдерiмен кҐш сынасады.
Let me introduce you the jury of our competition:
Pshenbaeva Bakhitzhan Nigmetovna – the deputy of our school.
Absattarova Madina Mirzalievna – the English teacher.
Rakisheva Arai Shaikenovna – the Kazakh teacher.
We think that you will be fair and honest.
ЖґмыстарыЎызЈа с„ттiлiк тiлеймiз!
Now let’s begin our competition.
Ендi сайысымызды бастайыј.
I. The first task of the competition is to introduce the group of the team.
Бiрiншi шартымыз – таныстыру. µлдарымыз бен јыздарымыз †здерiн жан-жајты таныстырып, алЈа јойЈан мајсаттарын тҐсiндiру Ґшiн кезек јыздарЈа берiледi.
Brainy Girls in the hall
Gulfairuz and we are brainy
Girls we are all.
Aigerim, Indira
Not we small, we are tall
Saltanat and we
We look very happy
Let’s clap, clap, clap
All we are brainy
Laura and Akbota,
All we are brainy
Aizhan and Indira,
All we are brainy
Atameken too,
We look very happy.
Let’s clap, clap, clap. We can read and speak and write. Please, believe our knowledge is bright. We can do many things all right. We are gils, but we are brainy, that’s right.
Nice to meet you, thank you.
Now boys, please welcome. Good luck!
We do a lot of subjects
No time to have a rest
We want to tell you whish of them
We think to be the best.
We like English best
Chemistry, Physics, Biology less.
History, Geography are not bad.
Kazakh, Russian are better yet
But we like English best.
We are 7 Gentlemen of our school
Meet please these 7 Gentlemen.
Mr. Black, Mr. White, Mr. Red, Mr. Yellow,
Mr. Green, Mr. Blue, Mr. Brown.
We have told you about us
In our knowledge we always trust.
Please do not be affair.
Think very fast. We want to tell you Girls, at last. We want to wish you, dear guests. Success, good luck and all the best. We try to show you all the feelings. Enjoy the fans, please have a rest! You know that America motto “In God We Trust”. And our motto is “In Knowledge We Trust”. Good luck. Great success. We love all of you. Thanks a lot, 7 Gentlemen.
II. The next task is to answer as many questions as you can in a minute. If you are ready, I shall give you some questions and you must answer them quickly. Now, let us begin.
Questions for Brainy Girls:
1. What is the capital of GB?
2. When is W. Shakespeare’s birthday?
3. Can you recite the first four lines of R. Burn’s poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands”?
4. What is the capital of Australia?
5. What is the Queen’s name of GB?
6. You chew, chew, chew, but you can not eat it?
7. Who were the first settlers of Canada?
8. How many presidents are there in our country?
9. Name the sports of Britain.
10. Who presented to people of the United States “The Statue of Liberty”?
Thank you, Brainy Girls. We glad to see your perfect knowledge. We wish you great success in future.
Questions for 7 Gentlemen:
1. What is the capital of our country?
2. What is the popular name of GB flag?
3. The telephone number of our school?
4. Who is the first president of our country?
5. What is London?
6. Name two houses of Parliament?
7. Can you sing the four lines of the Beatles’ song “Yesterday”?
8. What English Universities do you know?
9. Who wrote the song ”Oh, My Baby”?
10. What American Schools do you know?
We see that you know many things. Well done.
Бiз сiздердiЎ тапјырлыјтарыЎызЈа, бiлiмдiктерiЎiзге т„нтi болдыј. Ендi келесi шарттарды орындауЈа осындай с„ттiлiк тiлеймiз.
III. The next task is to translate. I have two variants - to translate from English into Kazakh and from Kazakh into English. The captains of each group will come to me and choose one of the variants.
I-variant: to translate from English into Kazakh
1. Cloak room –
2. Medicine room –
3. The Hall –
4. Canteen –
5. History classroom –
6. Preparatory form –
7. Labour Training room –
8. Computer room –
9. Teacher’s room –
10. Geography classroom –
II-variant: to translate from Kazakh into English
1. Спортзал –
2. Мектеп басшысы –
3. Шеберхана –
4. Асхана –
5. Дайындыј сыныбы –
6. МґЈалiмдер б†лмесi –
7. Гардероб –
8. Компьютер б†лмесi –
9. Кiтапхана –
10. Биология сыныбы –
IV. Thanks a lot. You are very intelligent.
Now you must write down the three forms of verbs on the blackboard. Also I have two variants:
I-variant: II-variant:
Be - ... - ... Put - ... - ...
Come - … - … Run - … - …
Drive - … - … Sweep - … - …
Get - ... - ... Write - ... - ...
Know - ... - ... Sleep - ... - ...
Meet - ... - ... Do - ... - ...
V. That’s nice. Our next task is Polyglot. I’ll give some proverbs. You must find one missed word in each proverb and to translate them into Russian, English languages. Is everything clear for you?
Okay then, listen to proverbs. The first will be for Brainy Girls:
1. Ш†лдегенге су ґстат – ел дегенге ... ґстат. (ту, флаг, flag)
2. Дуадај ш†лiн сҐйедi, ајју-јаз ... сҐйедi. (к†лiн, озеро, lake)
3. Жылы жерге ... Ґйiр. (жылан, змея, snake)
The next is for 7 Gentlemen:
1. СудыЎ да ... бар. (Сґрау, спросить, ask)
2. Ну ... отаЈан, јарЈыс естiр атадан. (орман, лес, forest)
3. Арјада ... жайлы болса, арјар ауып несi бар. (јыс, зима, winter)
VI. Thank you very much. And now I have two texts: “Kazakhstan” and ”Great Britain”, and you must choose one of them. Then I will give you three minutes to prepare reading and translating the texts.
VII. Our last task is to find the words in the word squares. You must find more than ten words. Is it clear for you?
Okay, I’ll give you three minutes.
Thanks a lot for taking in our todays competition. Brainy Girls and
7 Gentlemen! You are very intelligent. Your knowledge is brilliant. And now our jury give conclusion of our competition.
Бiз ґлдарымыз бен јыздарымыздыЎ ынталары жајсы екенiн бҐгiнгi жарыста к†рiп тамашаладыј. Ендi бiздiЎ бҐгiнгi жарысымыздыЎ јорытындысын бiзге „дiлјазылар алјасы айтып †тедi.
БарЈа јанаЈаттанбай бґдан былай да бiлiм теЎiзiне жҐзейiк!